Global Reach

NetDimensions Enters Australian Market

Sydney (AU), April 2013 - NetDimensions, a global provider of performance, knowledge, and learning-management systems, has announced that is has recently established NetDimensions (Australia) Pty Ltd in Sydney.

“As NetDimensions expands its global reach, we see Australia as an important region for our growth, and we believe that our talent-management solutions are a great fit for this market,” said Steve Young, Asia Pacific General Manager at NetDimensions.

NetDimensions Talent Suite is a talent-management system for the enterprise that relies on a fully integrated software platform that focuses on learning and performance at its core.

The NetDimensions Talent Suite includes the following applications:

  • NetDimensions Learning, an award-winning, multilingual learning-management system
  • NetDimensions Performance, a state-of-the-art performance-management system
  • NetDimensions Exams, a powerful exam engine for high-stake assessments
  • NetDimensions Analytics, a business-intelligence application based on talent and HR data.

"It provides clients with a practical approach to support an innovative model of ongoing talent development that applies to everyone in the organization. Since opening our direct office in Sydney in January, we have already acquired a number of new clients looking for a fresh approach to both learning and talent management," noted Young.

Based on Australia’s Top 200 companies list compiled by Standard and Poor’s and the Australian Stock Exchange, 27% are in the materials industry, 17% in finance, 8% in energy, and 5% in healthcare. “These highly regulated industries are key vertical markets for NetDimensions,” explained Young. "NetDimensions Talent Suite is optimized for corporate and regulatory compliance, which enables organizations to manage compliance-training programs for employees, customers, partners, and suppliers."