Testing and Assessing

Questionmark Liaises with Software Secure

Norwalk, CT (USA), April 2011 - Assessment-technology providers Questionmark and Software Secure have announced a technology alliance that will bring added security to certification tests and other higher-stakes exams administered without the need for someone to travel to a testing centre.

The alliance enables customers to complement the comprehensive authoring, delivery, and reporting capabilities of the Questionmark® Perception® assessment-management system with the remote monitoring and identity verification tools of Software Secure's Securexam® Remote Proctor.

Software Secure's Securexam Remote Proctor uses finger-scan biometrics to authenticate the identity of a distance-learning test taker and then records audio and a 360 degree view of the exam-room, wherever that is. The combination of Remote Proctor with Questionmark Perception will enable participants to take Questionmark exams anywhere, anytime, while providing many of the security benefits otherwise available in costlier, proctored test-center environments.

"Organizations need to find the right balance for test security, weighing the risks and threats against the costs, so they don't over-engineer or under-engineer their assessment solution", says Questionmark CEO Eric Shepherd. "We're delighted that our alliance with Software Secure provides our customers with new, easily deployable, cost-effective options for mitigating many common threats and risks to the security and defensibility of their tests and exams."

Questionmark's technologies enable organizations to deploy a broad range of assessment solutions to address critical needs such as certification, regulatory compliance, health and safety, sales, and technical channel verification and employee selection.