New Release

Questionmark: Analytics and Mobile Assessments

Norwalk, CT (USA), October 2013 - Mobile and touchscreen delivery of more question types, flexible data gathering, and the ability to create targeted, configurable reports are among the improvements in the newest release of the Questionmark OnDemand assessment-management platform.

Questionmark’s OData API provides secure access to assessment results data, enabling administrators to access it via custom dashboards or to analyze it using applications such as Excel or Tableau. OData feeds, based on the Open Data Protocol for querying and updating data, make it possible to produce targeted, configurable reports that reflect only the information stakeholders want and need. Stakeholders can either use dashboards for quick overviews or receive highly detailed reports, depending on their particular requirements. 

The release also brings improved support for mobile assessments. Responsive design utilizing HTML5-based technology improves the appearance and usability of assessments regardless of the size and shape of a participant’s mobile device. Drag and Drop and Hotspot questions can now be included in assessments taken from an iPad, iPhone, or Android devices – and Flash questions now work on all Flash-enabled mobile devices.

Questionmark OnDemand now also includes these improvements:

  • the ability to highlight text within a question stimulus for participants to revisit later -- and to strike through choices they wish to eliminate from consideration;
  • full support for right-to-left delivery of languages such as Arabic and Hebrew --  an addition to Questionmark’s multilingual assessment capabilities;
  • the addition of the Assessment Content Report, which allows users to review participant comments for all questions within an assessment, topic, or specific question;
  • item-analysis report enhancements, including support for multiple response, matching, and ranking question types, plus options to ignore question and assessment revisions when running the report and to obtain detailed information about excluded questions.