Quality Label

Taiwanese eLearning Courseware Honored

Taipei (TW), October 2013 - The epprobate international initiative for supporting quality in eLearning courseware has recently awarded its first label to an example of eLearning courseware developed in Taiwan. Started in 2011, epprobate has stimulated a global consensus-building process on the quality of eLearning courseware and trained many eLearning quality experts to use the epprobate process.

In this first stage of its development, the epprobate quality grid and its indicators, as well as the epprobate review process, have become well known among eLearning quality experts. Now the first award of the label is an important milestone on the way towards further developing international recognition for eLearning courseware quality.

The quality of eLearning courseware is of crucial importance for its acceptance – and thus also for its value in the market. However, perception of quality can differ greatly from one person to another, depending both on the role in the eLearning process (as learner, teacher, producer etc) and on the cultural background.

Two years ago, an international group of eLearning quality authorities and experts interested in the quality of eLearning courseware started the epprobate initiative to develop a mutual understanding of quality in the field. In September 2013, the newly developed epprobate quality grid and process was used in the review of the Taiwanese eLearning courseware "The Mission of Fighting Global Warming: the Key Actions for a Better Earth."

This courseware was produced for the Department of Civil Servant Development (DCSD) of the Taipei City Government. The courseware covers both the background to global warming issues and the related scientific knowledge. Its purpose is to help learners understand the current situation with respect to global warming, to understand key aspects of related scientific knowledge, to face future challenges of a post-global-warming world more confidently, and to be able to make informed decisions about global warming.

A review team in Taiwan including a pedagogic expert, a domain expert, an eLearning courseware provider, and a representative of the target group evaluated the courseware in line with the epprobate principles. A series of online and face-to-face meetings amongst the review team and between the review team and the eLearning courseware developers facilitated an exchange that strongly contributed to raising the quality awareness and understanding of all the stakeholders involved. Valuable feedback was given in a detailed awarding report, including advice for further improvement of the courseware. Such reports benefit not only the eLearning-courseware provider but also potential clients who seek more detailed information from the perspective of independent experts.

In the final stage of the epprobate review process, the review team submitted its report to the International Awarding Committee, who carefully considered the report in terms of international standards of quality, and who were responsible for the final decision to award the epprobate label to the courseware on global warming.

In its final report, the International Awarding Committee commended the learning and media design of the eLearning courseware, noted the value for everyone of the initial self- assessment process, made recommendations about how the instructional strategies might be further developed, and made recommendations as to which target groups of learners might be addressed should the courseware be marketed outside Taiwan.