Research Participants

Technology-Led Leadership Development

Stroud (UK), May 2011 - Laura Overton, the MD of the independent not-for-profit research organization Towards Maturity, is asking for those responsible for leadership and management development to give fifteen minutes of their time to contribute to groundbreaking benchmarking research.

In the past, more than 1,200 organizations have contributed to research carried out by Towards Maturity. Its latest benchmark, supported by LMMatters, is focusing on the effectiveness of using technology for leadership and management development. Take part, help raise the bar, and encourage innovation in this field.

The research is designed to uncover good practice and inspire others to follow examples of success. The results will be freely available to all participants and will be released on 15 June by Laura Overton, Towards Maturity MD, at LMMatters annual seminar and showcase in London.

Online leadership and management development have never been more at the -œcentre stage- of learning and development within organizations. The CIPD's recent Learning & Talent Development Survey, for example, touched on the importance of leadership skills to enable organizations to meet their goals.

Leadership and management training continues to be a high priority for organizations and, increasingly, cost-effective learning technologies are part of the L&D mix. According to previous Towards Maturity research, fifty percent of all leadership and management programmes are now e-enabled, compared to just 34% in 2008. But how are they being used, and under what circumstances are they effective?

The independent study is being supported by online leadership and management development specialists LMMatters, the UK partner to Harvard Business Publishing and a founding Ambassador of the Towards Maturity 2011 Benchmark.

Individual responses will be kept completely confidential, unless agreed otherwise. All participants will receive a complementary resource from Harvard Business Publishing and a free copy of the final report, which will be published on 15 June 2011.