Bring On Video!

TechSmith Introduces New Versions of Snagit

Okemos, MI (USA), March 2012 - Packed with the easy-to-use yet powerful screen-capture and recording functionality, TechSmith has released Snagit 11 for Windows and Snagit 2 for Mac. Both versions provide users with the ability to communicate ideas faster and more effectively.

"Why are we so excited about Snagit's new video capabilities? Because it's been the number-one request from our users, and it provides features and capabilities that aren't available anywhere else", says Tiffany Wood, Snagit and Jing product manager.

"Video consumption has reached near-incendiary levels, with YouTube receiving two billion video views every day, so obviously video appeals", Wood continues. "In fact, video traffic is predicted to increase from thirty to percent percent of all Internet traffic by 2013. This is a pretty compelling reason for anyone to get more comfortable with making and sharing video, whether they're looking to become the next YouTube phenomenon or teach a classroom of college students."

After trying it out, 95 percent of Snagit beta users plan to use video capture. This after more than half reported never using video capture in previous versions of Snagit. Their plans include using video to reproduce software bugs, show coworkers certain features of specialized software, and make training aids for clients.

To ensure that TechSmith continues to offer the best options for its customers, the sale of Jing Pro has been discontinued effective 28 February 2012. All current Jing Pro customers will have their subscriptions extended until 28 February 2013 at no charge and can purchase an upgrade to the new Snagit at a fifty percent discount. With Snagit, users will no longer have a five-minute video recording limit and will have the freedom to blur sensitive information, scroll and capture long webpages and documents, and enhance screenshots like never before.