Hot Lava 3.0

Upgraded Mobile Communications Tool

Wayne, PA (USA), July 2012 - Kenexa has announced the launch of Hot Lava Mobile 3.0, a mobile solution used to develop, manage, and analyze the results of independent device communications, snack learning, performance support, sales enablement, and surveys.

Kenexa added Hot Lava Mobile to its portfolio in February as part of its acquisition of OutStart. Hot Lava Mobile allows organizations to develop content and securely deliver it across a variety of mobile devices, ranging from basic cell phones to smartphones to tablets. Hot Lava Mobile is available standalone or as part of Kenexa's Learning Suite.

-œHot Lava Mobile 3.0 provides users with an easy-to-use solution that meets the need for access to knowledge and information anywhere, any time, and on any device-, says Eric Lochner, practice leader of Global Talent Management at Kenexa. -œThis, in turn, helps to improve business efficiencies and employee performance and helps customers create a workforce that is aligned with their strategic business objectives.-

Users of Hot Lava Mobile can develop rich mobile content through PowerPoint development that can include polls, quizzes, and assessments by using the product's plug-in tool, which also offers device-specific media conversion and streaming video. Additionally, Hot Lava Mobile dynamically renders content for any mobile device without the need to redevelop or customize content.

Smartphone and tablet applications are available for Hot Lava Mobile and have the capabilities to provide offline viewing and tracking. Users benefit from full media support, software-as-a-service (SaaS) delivery, rapid deployment (less than a day), and enterprise-grade security that encrypts content and secures data transmissions.

Kenexa Hot Lava Mobile 3.0 is now available for annual subscription.