One-Stop Shop

Video Arts Selects JLMS Enterprise as the LMS

London (UK), October 2011 - Video Arts, a learning-content specialist, has selected JLMS Enterprise from JZero Solutions as the Learning Management System (LMS) to host and deliver their "one-stop-shop" learning library to its clients. The new platform, called iLearn, will provide clients with a sophisticated LMS that makes it easy and intuitive for learners to access their training.

The administration portal provides snapshot data and a suite of reports that are quick and easy to use, giving L&D professionals more time to focus on what training is required, rather than using up valuable time on administration tasks. JLMS Enterprise offers Video Arts the flexibility to set up new client sites quickly and customise them specifically to meet each client's individual needs.

Additionally, JLMS Enterprise offers clients ease of access to their learning content and a wealth of administration functionality to manage users, learning paths, content - including classroom and virtual based events - as well as track usage. Furthermore, with JZero Solutions' additional products also available to Video Arts clients, a wider range of functionality is also within easy reach. The additional products provide seamless authentication, data systems integration, and an e-commerce solution.

"Forming a partnership with Video Arts is a great win for JZero", says Matt Eggby, Technology Operations Director at JZero Solutions. "Our ethos has always been to partner with strong, innovative, and established businesses, and Video Arts is exactly that. Making JLMS available to customers with Video Arts' wealth of content makes this a very attractive offering, and I see our partnership being a long and successful one."