Bribery Act 2010

Free Course Preview and Video Library of eLearning Tips

London (UK), April 2011 - Following the British government's publication of guidance, the Bribery Act 2010 will come into effect on 01 July 2011. Saffron Interactive is currently offering a free preview of its anti-bribery and corruption eLearning course. Saffron has further announced a video library of useful tips and anecdotes on eLearning, accessible on their YouTube channel.

The anti-bribery course is ready to deploy immediately. It lasts around thirty minutes and ensures compliance and competence through carefully designed scenarios and a focus on behaviours rather than legal theory. The course can be customised quickly and easily to include details specific to an organisation if appropriate. Saffron has also created a range of packages to cater to the differing needs and environments of large corporates, mid-sized companies, and small- and medium-sized enterprises.

A further new release is the video library of eLearning tips Saffron put together with the help of the learning and development community. Throughout Learning Technologies 2011, Saffron conducted short interviews with speakers, exhibitors, and visitors, asking them to answer one of six questions about social, mobile, or eLearning covering design, strategy, and evaluation. The result is an invaluable online resource, hosted on Saffron's YouTube channel.

Nick Simons, Saffron's CTO, says, 'There's a lot of expertise in every organisation that turns out to be restricted to just one or to a few individuals. Our 'shoot-to-share' experiment illustrates how you can easily turn this know-how into a resource for everyone using readily available video technology and social media.'

We'll be awarding a Flip video camera to the most useful video clip, so visit our YouTube channel and share your favourite to help increase its contributor's chance of winning.