Better Outcomes

Norfolk & Suffolk Dementia Alliance Launches -œLet's Talk-

Pleasanton, CA (USA) / London (UK), December 2013 - Toolwire has announced Norfolk and Suffolk Dementia Alliance's launch of a new range of online learning tools to help users develop essential skills in communicating with people living with dementia. The series of digital-media simulations called -œLet's Talk- enables professional caregivers, family, and friends to immerse themselves in real-life situations and to see the results of their decisions or actions first hand.

Let’s Talk provides emotional context to the textual or factual information about dementia. It addresses issues such as using the correct body language, how to position yourself when speaking to someone with dementia, and how best to communicate to determine a more positive outcome with everyday activities. The tool is accessible for free through The Learning Location website, which is open to individual caregivers, families, professional staff, and organisations looking for relevant information, guides, and training support.

Willie Cruickshank, Director at Norfolk & Suffolk Dementia Alliance, comments, "Knowing how to communicate appropriately with people living with dementia is at the very heart of providing truly person-centred care.  All too often it is simple failures in communication that lead to the frustration that can often occur for many caregivers and families – and more importantly for people living with dementia, who become distressed and agitated at being constantly misunderstood."

Most people living with dementia experience significant loss of short-term and recent memory function during the progression of their illness, and those affected will often only be left with long- term memories from their early adulthood as the context for their "here and now". This period of powerful, long-term memory is laid down during a phase of life known as the "reminiscence bump".  The reminiscence bump typically occurs between the ages of seventeen and thirty and is why many people living with dementia associate names and events from their past with those of the present day.

Dementia Alliance partner 'Many Happy Returns' are also involved in helping to bridge the communication gap through the development of a free reminiscence app.  Available from the iTunes store, the app supports users of the “Let’s Talk” tools by providing a collection of carefully selected images and information from the 1940s and 50s to help facilitate interaction and communication, as well as aid a better connection.

Cruickshank adds, "Academic research has shown that in order to improve learning transfer into practice and improve standards of care, we need to be providing more than just factual training. Experiential learning and the emotional component play an essential role in a successful blended- learning solution. The government has committed to ensuring that all NHS staff who look after patients with dementia will receive foundation-level dementia training, and online tools like 'Let’s Talk' will be a highly effective component in any blended-learning solution developed to deliver on that specific need."

John Valencia, CEO at Toolwire, adds, "Traditionally, organisations have delivered learning experiences through the use of scenario-based role-plays in which students train by practicing critical skills with their peers and instructors instead of working directly with clients. This approach, however, is challenging to scale and can lack consistency in delivery. Online experiential learning immerses participants in authentic situations that are both scalable and reusable. These multi-branching interactive stories enable learners to pursue personalised journeys and deliver learning outcomes more naturally than is possible with other forms of traditional eLearning.  Crucially, these scenarios enable learners to practise applying new information and skills and learn from their mistakes in safe online environments. Ultimately this means a better outcome for everyone."

One in three people over the age of 65 will develop dementia. In 2012 850,000 people in the UK were diagnosed with dementia – which is the equivalent to the total population of Norfolk. With a rapidly aging population, this number is predicted to double in the next thirty years.