'Little's Britain'

Overpaid and/or over-hyped

London (UK), December 2012 - (by Bob Little) The BBC has announced that Forbes magazine has named Eddie Murphy as 2012's most overpaid actor. Murphy's recent box office flops 'Imagine That', 'A Thousand Words' and 'Meet Dave' mean that for every $1 (62p) he was paid for his last three films, they took an average of $2.30 (£1.40) at the box office.

Forbes' Top Ten overpaid actors in 2012 are:

  1. Eddie Murphy: $2.30 box office takings for every $1 earned
  2. Katherine Heigl: $3.40
  3. Reese Witherspoon: $3.90
  4. Sandra Bullock: $5
  5. Jack Black: $5.20
  6. Nicolas Cage: $6
  7. Adam Sandler: $6.30
  8. Denzel Washington: $6.30
  9. Ben Stiller: $6.50
  10. Sarah Jessica Parker: $7

Will Ferrell, who has topped the list twice in the last four years, fell out of the top ten this time round, as has Drew Barrymore. Forbes does not take ensemble casts into account and Barrymore has not been the main star in enough films recently to be considered for the list.

It would be interesting to produce a similar list for online learning materials developers - comparing the income they received with the value of their learning materials to the organisation which commissioned them.

Maybe thankfully, it isn't possible to come up with an accurate list - but, with the 'top ten online learning movers and shakers' lists nearly upon us, I wonder which online learning materials content suppliers you'd nominate for your 'top ten'?

For over 20 years, Bob Little has specialised in writing about, and commentating on, corporate learning - especially elearning - and technology-related subjects. His work has been published in the UK, Continental Europe, the USA and Australia.
You can contact Bob.