Mobile Learning

Whitepaper on Effective and Efficient Implementation

Geneva (CH), June 2012 - goFLUENT, a provider of Business English training, has published a new whitepaper on "How to Implement Mobile Learning in Global Organizations".

Christophe Ferrandou, CEO of goFLUENT, explains, "Growth rates for mobile products, including the iPad, iPhone, and Android's smartphones and tablets, have increased so quickly that they are surpassing desktop computers in some countries. This means it is not a question of 'if' but 'when' an organization should deploy mobile learning - and how it delivers mobile learning."

"Selecting an eLearning solution that offers mobile delivery in addition to a computer- delivered application puts the choice of accessing the training in the hands of the learner", he adds. "Learners are then empowered to decide how they will learn, which delivery model best fits their learning style, and, perhaps, overcome any learning constraints - geographical, technological and so on - with which they are dealing."

Many workers rarely find themselves in front of a traditional desktop computer - and their work patterns prevent them from adhering to "traditional" working hours. Workers at all levels in an organization are increasingly comfortable with technology, and so they are looking to that technology to help them.

After discussing the needs of workforces in global organizations and assessing how they are using mobile learning, the whitepaper also explains how organizations can determine the return on investment (ROI) from mobile learning materials.

For mobile learning, goFLUENT recommends that organizations

  • identify business challenges and define strategy;
  • define the solution. Think particularly in terms of technology/ infrastructure, culture, and content;
  • pilot the mobile learning solution. Limit risk and cost by using new learning materials on a sample group first;
  • measure, analyze, and refine. Measure effectiveness - such as performance improvement, course completion and skill mastery results - to gauge success.

The whitepaper also discusses evaluating the hardware used to deliver mobile learning, including the challenge presented by Apple products not supporting Flash. In addition to its conclusions, the whitepaper also offers readers the chance to learn more about mobile learning and Business English training.