Intercultural Skills

A Game-Changer for International Assignees

New York (NY), October 2011 - Everyone agrees that cultural preparation is crucial to a successful international assignment, but there have been realistic barriers. RW3 CultureWizard, has announced the formation of a new division called; its task is to provide online, country-specific information to expats and their families that prepares them to live and work effectively in a foreign culture.

For the first time, international assignees and candidates for assignment are able to take an online course in which they can learn critical information about destination countries and gain business skills they need to be successful. The courses are comprehensive and self-directed. Interactive multimedia components enable individuals to receive the critical preparation that until now has been too time consuming and too expensive for everyone to take advantage of.

"All the research in the field indicates that failure to properly understand the cultural issues of working with people from a different country is the greatest contributor to expat assignment failure", says Michael Schell, CEO of "This impacts the company's cost and the expatriate's career, to say nothing of the family's well-being."

Cultural training has been a recognized way to prepare people for international assignments for years, but the problem has been that it was expensive and required a significant time commitment during a period of heightened activity for the transferee. It was often conducted at a place convenient for the organization, but not necessarily the best for the transferee. overcomes those challenges. It is a cost-effective resource and remains available to individuals throughout their time abroad. It is a game-changer for international assignees.