Software Skills

Quasar Online Videos Help Improve Business Efficiency

Kings Langley (UK), November 2011 - Although in the current challenging economic climate many UK businesses may prefer to only sanction mandatory - compliance and regulatory - training for their staff, Quasar's Michael Shane believes that this strategy is one of false economy.

Shane, whose company has developed the Quasar "Anytime" range of online video learning materials providing practical, ongoing advice and guidance for those using Microsoft Office 2007 and 2010, explains, "When you talk to businesses about 'training', they often say that because economic times are hard, they're only budgeting for mandatory training."

"Yet if they don't train their staff to be more productive and reduce inefficiencies - and they continue to employ those people - their work-based inefficiencies will proliferate! And especially in the current economic climate, inefficient businesses are the ones that are most likely to go under."

In Shane's opinion, the Quasar Anytime online learning videos enable organisations - especially small businesses and budding entrepreneurs - to maintain these so-called "non-essential" training programmes, keep their skills current, and buck the economic trend.

"Using Anytime, you can get more - and exceptionally valuable - information from your business by getting the best out of your standard Microsoft Office software, for example, via exploiting the numerous functions and options in Excel", Shane adds.

"While most, if not all, businesses have these tools available, they remain unexploited. Using Quasar's Anytime online videos as part of an overall business strategy for growth is a cost-effective way to increase your skills and buck the trends."

According to Government figures, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) account for some 99.9 per cent of all UK enterprises; some 59.1 per cent of private-sector employment and 48.6 per cent of private-sector turnover.

Shane comments, "These businesses are the backbone of the UK's economy, and increasingly the people working in these businesses need computer-literacy skills in order to survive in today's world. Through Anytime, Quasar can provide access to a learning method that is designed to help people develop and hone these skills - and improve their work efficiency."