Social Media

MindLeaders Launches Online Marketing Training App

London (UK), March 2012 - eLearning company MindLeaders has released a new training app for businesses on Facebook. Developed in cooperation with Facebook, the app shows how to succeed in building brand awareness through word-of-mouth marketing on the social network.

"We're very excited to have cooperated with Facebook to release this new product", says Janet Garcia, director of MindLeaders International. "It's the first time that an eLearning company has applied proven instructional-design principles to this kind of content, and the result is a fantastic learning tool that is a user-friendly way for anyone to learn how to make Facebook work for their business."

The release meets a rising tide of interest in marketing through social networks. A recent survey by revealed that 91% of the small businesses in the UK are now actively engaging with social networks for business purposes, an increase of sixty percent compared to the past year.

The training breaks down the principles behind successful social marketing on Facebook into seven bite-sized, interactive courses. Best practices for each of Facebook's marketing features are explained to users as they work through real-world marketing challenges.

Beginning with developing and managing a page, the eLearning covers topics including designing and running Facebook ad campaigns, using sponsored stories, creating loyalty deals, and incorporating Facebook into an overall social-marketing strategy.

MindLeaders Facebook Trainer for Business is now available for individual purchase for an initial price of £39, with discounts available for purchases of multiple licenses.