Open Access

Free Guide: Mobile Learning - Building It Right

Brighton (UK), April 2012 - Kineo is currently providing advice and information on mobile learning in a series of free guides on mobile learning in practice. Mobile learning has pushed beyond the "what if" hype to "what now" - how do we make this work for real?

Part 1 of the free guides includes ten practical tips for making the most
of mobile technologies as well as ten examples of where mobile learning offers real value (either on its own or part of a blend).

The practical tips include

  • bring the informal into the blend
  • make sure it's more than eLearning on a tablet
  • make the limited space count

Part 2 looks at the technical decisions that need to made and sets out the five steps needed to implement mobile learning effectively. On the whole, the guide focuses on practical implementation.

  • It examines the technical options and works through them to help you assure your mobile learning has a safe and successful rollout.
  • It sets out a five-step process for building, implementing, and delivery focused on the audience first.
  • It unpicks the Flash / HTML 5 issue to give you some straight guidance.