
Reputation Management Solution for Doctors

Denver, CO (USA), May 2013 - By the time physicians are ready to see patients, they have spent a decade or more in classrooms, lecture halls, and teaching and healthcare facilities. These are smart, savvy people with a persistent desire to help others and do the best they can to help all the clients they see reach their goals. However, being smart in the medical office doesn't always translate into being smart on the internet, and many doctors face reputation attacks from disgruntled former patients. has a new product line that can help.

Some reputation attacks come from review sites like Yelp or Avvo, and those poor reviews could have a deep impact on a doctor's personal brand. After all, the Pew Research Center reports that one in three people use the internet to research a medical condition, and many more might use the web in order to check up on the people they plan to visit for an ailment. A poor review could send a prospective patient into the appointment book of another doctor.

Similarly, some attacks come via a doctor's own actions on the web. Studies suggest that one doctor in four uses social media on a daily basis, and some of these professionals share things that they really shouldn't be sharing, including photographs that include alcohol, comments that might be considered racist or demeaning, and details about the patients they treat. All of these snippets could be culled and collected, and they could form the basis of a sophisticated and comprehensive attack on that doctor's reputation.

The comprehensive solution offered by begins with scouring the web for negative details and deleting information that's inflammatory. has intensive tools that can accomplish this work rapidly. The programmers scour the terms of use of some sites in order to remove content that violates guidelines, and in some cases, the programmers work with the site administrators to remove content that's libelous or otherwise defamatory. Programmers can also take hold of a doctor's private social-media accounts and remove information the professional shared inappropriately.

When the cleanup is through, can flood the internet with content that's more positive in tone. Press releases, blog entries, photographs and more are the tools these professionals use to clean up a doctor's reputation and ensure that good information is the first thing users see when they investigate the doctors they're considering.

It's an approach that can deliver proven results, and the work is guaranteed. provides an intensive list of case studies on its website, and many of the doctors who have been helped have amazingly positive things to say.