The Four most Common Mistakes Made by Mobile Apps

Mountain View, CA (USA), July 2013 - The transition to mobile is a bigger challenge than most companies realize. Many mistakenly apply the same design and business practices they learned in the desktop computing world to their mobile apps and sites. As a result, they frequently waste large amounts of time and money as they struggle to succeed in mobile.

After reviewing thousands of real-world mobile user tests, has released a new report – The Four Mobile Traps – that identifies the four most common mistakes companies make when developing mobile websites and apps, and the critical steps they can take to avoid them. Download a copy of the full report for an in-depth analysis of each of the following mobile traps:

  • Trap #1 – Clinging to legacy: “porting' a computer app or website to mobile
  • Trap #2 – Creating fear: feeding mobile anxiety
  • Trap #3 – Creating confusion: cryptic interfaces and crooked success paths
  • Trap #4 – Creating boredom: failure to quickly engage the user

"From giants like Facebook to the smallest web startup, companies are learning that the transition to mobile isn't just difficult; it's also risky," said CEO, Darrell Benatar. "It changes the rules of good development, makes users reconsider their default choices in apps and websites, and increases the importance of user engagement. By learning to identify and avoid these four mobile traps, companies will maximize their chances of success in mobile and gain a competitive edge."