Digital Learning

Tribal and eXact Learning Solutions

Bristol (UK)/Genoa (I), March 2014 - Tribal is delighted to announce a distribution agreement with eXact learning solutions. The agreement will see Tribal supply eXact learning's learning-content-management system (LCMS) and digital authoring tools to UK customers.

The eXact learning LCMS is designed to support the creation and management of digital learning resources whilst increasing authors’ productivity; saving time and money, and protecting investments made in existing learning materials. 

The LCMS uses a template approach to authoring, allowing professional content to be created quickly and using responsive design to facilitate learner access to materials on computers, tablets, and mobiles. Easy-to-create pre-learning assessments means tailored learning programmes that are automatically geared to each individual’s capabilities.

The eXact learning LCMS is already used by multinationals (including VW, AbbVie, Bankia, Cegos, HSBC, and e-LfH: eLearning for Healthcare/NHS) as a configurable project-management and workflow tool. The platform allows content to be easily adapted to complex business processes such as governing the collaborative authoring, review, and authorisation of learning materials, tasks that are typical in large organisations.

Tribal will deliver the eXact learning LCMS as a secure, cloud-based service giving customers the convenience of "anytime anywhere" access. It does this without the burden or expense of digital asset-management and back-up routines, keeping management overheads and costs to a minimum. 

A range of customised templates will be produced to significantly reduce the time customers need to spend designing content. This will ensure a rapid return on investment through the efficient delivery of new learning programmes for staff.