
digital publishing Becomes Towards Maturity Ambassador

Munich (GER)/London (UK), March 2011 - digital publishing, a provider of computer-based online language training, has announced its participation in the Towards Maturity's Ambassador Programme. Towards Maturity, an internationally recognized benchmarking organization for learning innovation, tenders independent expert advice and support in the application of learning innovation to accelerate business performance.

Armin Hopp, President of digital publishing commented, "At digital publishing, we provide global online language-training services that help to improve the business-communication skills of language learners around the world. Our mission is to set the standard for excellence and innovation in web-based language training and online tutoring services. That's why we want to see exactly where we stand in today's competitive market."

"We met Towards Maturity and knew immediately that we wanted to be part of their impressive research; we share the same high standards and goals. We are thrilled to stand behind Towards Maturity, and we're looking forward to what will surely be successful cooperation", Hopp added.

Laura Overton, Towards Maturity's managing director explained, "When it comes to learning innovation and performance, our passion has always been to provide an authoritative, independent research base, which helps organizations to raise the bar in their pursuit of excellence. Working together as ambassadors for change, I believe we can improve good practice, raise awareness, and drive the industry forward."

The Towards Maturity Benchmark Report is considered the most comprehensive independent review of the use of learning technologies in the workplace within the UK and Europe. The report's performance indicators and best-practice benchmarks have been developed through the participation of 1,200 organizations and expansive industry collaboration. The report focuses on how organizations are using innovations in technology to meet changing business-skills needs, as well as changes in the use of technology, drivers and results, barriers, and the implementation practices that directly correlate to results.