Core Learning Services

Training Young Leaders and Supporting Health and Safety

London (UK), April 2011 - Core Learning Services and its sister company, the learning management system (LMS) specialist Course-Source, are helping Badminton England take its first steps in eLearning. The firm also continues to host Global Radio's LMS solution for developing health and safety eLearning materials for its staff.

With nearly 750 new "Change 4 Life" badminton clubs springing up in England over the last year alone, there is an immediate and growing demand for people to take on various leadership roles in these - as well as in England's already well-established badminton clubs.

Melissa Handford, Badminton England's Young People's Manager, explains, "We're keen to encourage young people to get involved with badminton, not just as players but also as coaches and club leaders, and we've recognised that today's young people are comfortable working - and learning - online. That led us to consider eLearning as a highly effective and economic way of delivering our new Leaders Award, covering 'event leader', 'activity leader' and 'club leader'."

The project is close to "going live", with feedback currently being evaluated from those involved in the pilot stage.

For the last three years, Core Learning Services (CLS) has been working in partnership with Global Radio to host Global Radio's LMS solution for developing health and safety eLearning materials for its staff.

Jonathan Barker, the Head of Health and Safety at Global Radio explains, "We're a national company and have 21 regional radio stations. These radio stations employ a large number of people to deliver various marketing and promotional services to the radio stations' listeners - often on behalf of advertisers and sponsors."

Global Radio has two basic health-and-safety courses available for its staff: one for management and event staff and the other for ground crew and "street teams". Over the least three years, several hundred people have completed these courses - and their progress has been tracked, monitored, and reported by the Course-Source LMS.

"We believe that the eLearning course construction and our arrangements for the LMS that hosts the courses are fairly 'future proof'", Barker says. "The whole system ensures that all our staff - including 'casual' workers - keep up to date on health-and-safety matters, ensuring as far as possible that they are able to work safely. It also ensures that we, as an employer, can demonstrate that we are complying with all the law's health and safety requirements."

Ken Wood, the founder and director of Course-Source Ltd, adds, "In technical terms, the Course-Source LMS is accessible to W3C level A or AA requirements and is AICC and SCORM compliant, with the ability to integrate non-compliant training content."