Informal Learning

Shortlist of Five Myths

Den Bosch (NL), May 2011 - Bob Mosher, Chief Learning and Strategy Evangelist at LearningGuide Solutions, is helping L&D professionals to understand how to approach implementing the right informal learning strategy for their workplace. "I'd like to share some myths I've encountered when trying to intentionally implement a successful informal learning strategy", says Mosher.

"I've shortlisted the most common myths to five, these include

  • Informal learning doesn't need structure.
  • Informal learning approaches such as social networks can replace training.
  • eLearning is informal learning.
  • An effective and thorough training program negates the need for informal learning.
  • It's only informal learning if it's immediate and embedded.

Mosher concludes that informal learning is a must in any training program. It is emerging as one of the most powerful disciplines in our industry and can no longer be ignored or left to chance.

Mosher has authored an in-depth article for CLO Magazine to assist L&D professionals in shaping a robust and effective informal learning framework; it is titled "The Five Myths of Informal Learning".