Games Design

Caspian Learning Releases Free Version of 3D Software

Newcastle (UK), July 2011 - Caspian Learning has announced that the latest version of their 3D sims and games creation software "Thinking Worlds 3.5" will be available to download and use for free - forever - which is a huge shift from the previous retail price of $4999. The new version of the software will remove practically all of the barriers to simulation and game design that the beginner or novice designer faces.

The core concept behind the entire design of Thinking Worlds 3.5 is that it is able to remove traditionally hard-to-overcome game-design barriers such as the need to have a deep understanding of a programming language, the difficulty of adding new 3D art, and the problems associated with publishing games.

Thinking Worlds has over 10,000 users globally and ensures that sims and games are easy to create, objects are easy to import, and finished projects are easy to publish as programs ready to run on standalone PCs, web browsers, or even iPhones and iPads.

Lee Rushworth, Marketing Executive for Caspian Learning, says that, "The new version of Thinking Worlds will make the creation of sims and games for browser-based and mobile distribution more accessible to novice and beginning game designers than anything else currently available."

As well as being free to download and use, version 3.5 of Thinking Worlds enables users to create and publish simulations and games for iOS-based devices (iPads and iPhones). Other mobile publishing options are in the pipeline for Q3 2011 launch.