Digital Planet

Book Project: Imagine a New Future

Orlando, FL (USA), March 2014 - Technology has taken us places we never dreamed possible. What's next? Starting now, a new book - Imagine a New Future: Creating Greatness for All - will turn your gaze to a technology future that has the power to change lives across planet Earth.

The book's message reads like a technological big bang. New technology is coming, and our lives will be expanded by it. Imagine a New Future introduces the shape of a tech-driven "journey to greatness". Its steps show how an advanced digital planet might produce the more productive and successful future we want for all.

While this new book will be sold on Amazon, iTunes, and other online stores, one free chapter will be released every Tuesday between March and December 2014. Free copies of the complete e-book will be offered to everyone on six select dates beginning in April.

The book's author, Dan Abelow, is an independent inventor whose previous patents have been licensed by over 500 companies including Apple, Google, Microsoft and Samsung Electronics. He is a graduate of Harvard and the Wharton School.

Abelow's new book offers an in-depth look at Expandiverse Technology - privately developed technology and IP (Intellectual Property) - that is designed to radically expand how much we gain from technology as we interact with it across the landscape that is our daily lives.

"Imagine moving from our current Internet to continuous connections where you are able to combine all your screens into one continuous device. You will be recognized and enveloped in better security. New background processing will display a fully responsive world that serves you and helps you succeed," Abelow says.

"The future of tech could be everyone having the world's best resources at their fingertips," he adds. "Success will be on everyone's screen, ready to be used."

Free Sharing of "A New Future"

"To develop a dramatically more capable future, someone has to think it, explain it, and launch the idea," Abelow says. "That's the year-long mission of this book. Throughout 2014 it shares new ways to think about our future, planting a new seed each week, so we can consider building a digital Earth that could deliver greatness for all."

On most Tuesdays between March and December a new free chapter of the book will be released, introducing another step toward "a new future".

In addition, free copies of the entire book will be offered in a series of one-day giveaways (subscribers will be alerted): 29 April - 10 June - 19 July - 23 September - 04 November - 16 December

Imagine a New Future will not use DRM whenever possible, so those who buy or download this book can share it widely. Free resources are also provided to bloggers, associations, companies, conferences, speakers, and teachers.

The author believes we are crashing headlong into a future that is limiting millions of people and their well-educated children. Without a new kind of option, we cannot stop either the pace or certainty of its arrival.