Juniper Research

Mobile Augmented Reality: 200 Million Globally by 2018

Hampshire (UK), November 2013 - New findings from leading hi-tech analysts Juniper Research have shown that the mobile augmented reality (AR) market is set to increase dramatically from sixty million unique users this year to nearly 200 million in 2018. The market will expand from the early-adopting gaming segment and navigation-based utility to becoming an integral part of the consumer's ecosystem.

The report, Mobile Augmented Reality: Smartphones, Tablets and Smart Glasses 2013-2018, explains that despite initial trepidation and single-use applications of the technology, Juniper forecasts AR to become a key future platform for communication and commerce.

AR has a potential to engage a new generation of consumers in a unique manner, combining the personal nature of mobile devices with the Internet’s wealth of accessible information.

App Diversity and Device Evolution

Juniper’s report finds that as the market matures, the app ecosystem is set to expand rapidly over the forecast period. Initial innovations will stem from games, such as Google Ingress, but the technology will expand to include lifestyle and fitness apps. It also contends the possibility of a paradigm-shifting utilisation of AR within social media, potentially breaking the digital-physical wall with potential future uses allowing a digital representation of a person to appear in the users surroundings.

Juniper Research forecasts that as the AR market matures, the utilisation of AR apps will evolve to suit the device, with the tablet becoming a natural environment for multimedia and second-screen apps and the smartphone becoming a platform for navigation AR apps to thrive on. It notes that the forthcoming smart glasses will once again evolve this dynamic, as users will increasingly benefit from multiple AR capable devices, each with unique app ecosystems.

Regional Concentration

The report also notes that the mobile AR market will continue to be dominated by three key regions, North America, Western Europe, and the Far East and China. These regions benefit by being some of the most developed and mature smartphone and tablet markets in the world - the key platform for AR developers. These regions will also be the first to adopt smart glasses, the next big development for AR.

Other Key Findings

• In app advertisers will see a high value / low volume market evolve over the forecast period.
• Japan will be most valuable market per user download, with the US third by 2018.

The complimentary "Mobile Augmented Reality ~ The 8th Mass Medium" white paper is available to download from the Juniper website together with further details of the full report.