
Industrial Doctoral Degree

The UOC Is Offering Grants for Three Doctoral Programmes

Barcelona (E), January 2017 - The Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) has opened calls for grant applications for the Information and Knowledge Society Doctoral Programme, the Education and ICT (eLearning) Doctoral Programme, and Network and Information Technologies Doctoral Programme. The deadline for applications for these programmes is 31 January 2017. The UOC is offering grants for the three doctoral programmes for the 2017-2018 academic year.


Free Online Diagnostic Tests

"Cost-Effective, Quality, Skills Education for South African Youth"

Saarbruecken (GER), December 2016 - At 26.6% (Q2/2016), unemployment levels in South Africa are extremely high. Youth unemployment in particular is often a supply-side problem because many young South Africans lack the appropriate skills and higher education qualifications, required for a high-skills economy. Many students are leaving the secondary school system underprepared. South Africa still has a post-school education-and-training system that does not offer sufficient places to the many youth and adults seeking education and training. Also, those students entering a college are usually not on the same knowledge level, and therefore many of them struggle to keep up in class.


VR and 3D Learning Worlds

Augmented Reality: Making Interactions Tangible

Dominic FehlingWuppertal, November 2016 - Digital media make new forms of teaching and learning in vocational education possible. In the context of the project entitled "Social Augmented Learning" (SAL) funded by Germany’s Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), augmented reality has established itself as a valuable tool for the expansion of digital educational offerings. At the LEARNTEC congress, Dominic Fehling of Wuppertal’s Bergische University will present an analysis of his experience.


Big Data

Learning Analytics in Informal Scenarios

Dr. Stefan DietzeHannover (GER), Dezember 2016 - Learning is increasingly taking place in informal contexts and is a central component of everyday online activities. For example, the exchange and interaction in social networks and the use of search engines often reveal an implicit learning process. This produces large amounts of data on a daily basis whose interpretation in relation to factors of relevance to learning, such as the user’s competence or learning behavior, requires efficient evaluation. Dr. Stefan Dietze of Hannover’s Leibniz University will provide details in his lecture at LEARNTEC.  


Mobile Learning

Wearables: an integral Aspect of Everyday Life?

Prof. Daniel GilgenTrier (GER), Dezember 2016 - "In the future, we will be supported in our real-world activities by information, analyses, and instructions from computers without perceiving them as such," explains Prof. Daniel Gilgen of the Trier University of Applied Sciences’ Intermedia Design Institute. At LEARNTEC, he will explain the wearable-supported mobile-learning scenarios he envisions in the future.


For Universities

New Protecting Students’ Consumer Rights Course

Protecting Students’ Consumer RightsBath (UK), November 2016 - Developed with De Montfort University, Cylix's new HTML 5 eLearning course will provide university staff with a practical guide to complying with consumer-protection law and meeting the standards defined by the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA). 



"Low-Tech Rich Settings"

Ann-Katrin HardenbergFreiburg (GER), November 2016 - For several years now, Ann-Katrin Hardenberg has been setting up educational institutions as customer or vocational-training centers and support enterprises in the areas of HR and educational management. She has gained experience with institutions from different sectors and in various countries, such as Australia, Myanmar, and Haiti - just to mention a few. Her passion is the teaching of digital-media competence, as well as the implementation of educational concepts, including the newest digital-media and teaching methods. At OEB 2016, she will present the learning reality in Haiti on Friday, 2 December 2016 from 14:30 to 15:45.


Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain

Learning Analytics Enables Learners to Learn More

Pedro J. Muñoz MerinoMadrid (E), November 2016 - Pedro J. Muñoz Merino is a Lecturer and Researcher at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. He is the author of more than eighty scientific publications and has participated in more than twenty research projects. He has been invited to speak at various events on topics related to learning analytics and educational data mining. At OEB 2016 he will speak about "Behaviour Analytics and Visual Analytics to Improve the Learning Process" in the session "The Power of Data in Education" on Thursday, 1 December 2016 from 11:45 to 13:00.


Maastricht University, The Netherlands

Meaningful Use of Google Glass in Education

Catalina GoantaGwen NotebornMaastrich (NL), November 2016 - Maastricht University (UM) is the most international university in the Netherlands and, with more than 16,000 students and 4,000 employees, is still growing. The University stands out for its innovative education model, international character, and multidisciplinary approach to research and education. At OEB 2016, Catalona Goanta will present the interesting results in the session "Discovery Demos: Google Glass for Education and Virtual Reality for Augmented Training and Development" on Friday, 2 December 2016 from 14:30 to 16:15.