
Video Accessibilty

Kaltura's Efficient Solution

New York, NY (USA), February 2016 - As video increasingly plays a critical role in education, accessibility has become a major concern. Adding captions on request is no longer a sustainable practice. How are educational institutions today approaching video accessibility strategically? » MORE

Three Years

Extended deadline for the UOC Doctoral Programmes

Barcelona (E), February 2016 - The Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) is offering grants for three doctoral programmes for the 2016/2017 academic year. The extended deadline for applications for the doctoral programmes is 15 February 2016. The call for grant applications for the Information and Knowledge Society Doctoral Programme, the Education and ICT (eLearning) Doctoral Programme, and the Network and Information Technologies Doctoral Programme is open. » MORE


New Prevent Duty eLearning Course for Universities

Bath (UK), February 2016 - Cylix's new eLearning course will provide HE staff with a practical guide to implementing the UK government's Prevent duty sensitively and effectively. All universities now have a legal duty to implement robust policies and procedures for countering the threat posed by radicalisation, and a key part of this is the provision of appropriate training, so that everyone knows what's expected of them and what they need to do if they have any concerns. » MORE

Universities United

International Centre for Research into Social Entrepreneurship

UOCBarcelona (E), February 2016 - (by Guida Fullana) Together with six Catalan universities and business schools, the UOC has met with the management of the Yunus Centre, led by the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize winner, Muhammad Yunus, to create a Social Business Centre in Barcelona, an academic space that will foster social entrepreneurship and innovation to fight youth unemployment in the capital. The meeting was held on 26 January as part of the Social Business City Barcelona conference. » MORE


A New Analysis Tool

Barcelona (E), February 2016 - The Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) Library has developed an internal management and consultation database of bibliometric information called bibliometrics. This tool stores the UOC's scientific articles (originals, reviews, proceedings papers, editorial materials, book reviews, letters) and enables users to analyse quality based on international and national bibliometric indicators. » MORE

Snap Interface

Blackboard Releases Moodlerooms 2.9 Upgrade

London (UK), January 2016 - Blackboard has announced the release of Moodlerooms 2.9, its enterprise open source solution dedicated to institutions and organisations that leverage Moodle, one of the most widely used learning-management systems (LMSs) in the world. » MORE

Learning Analytics

"Learning Analytics Has Great Potential for the Future of Learning"

Prof. Dr. Albrecht FortenbacherBerlin, December 2015 -- When it comes to learning analytics, universities have clearly taken the lead. At LEARNTEC 2016, Prof. Dr. Albrecht Fortenbacher of Berlin's University of Applied Sciences for Technology and Economics will address the issue of how business and industry can benefit from academia's experience, standards, and guidelines. » MORE

Security Questions

"One problem is that many users are careless"

Prof. Dr. Jörn Müller-QuadeKarlsruhe, December 2015 - As a professor of IT security at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Jörn Müller-Quade deals with issues such as secure cloud computing, security definitions and models, and general security issues. As a speaker at the LEARNTEC 2016 convention, he will put eLearning security issues under the microscope and provide information on the areas that pose major risks in the realm of education. » MORE


Virtual College Celebrate Twenty-Year Aanniversary

Ilkley (UK), November 2015 - Over 200 staff, partners, and friends celebrated Virtual College's twenty-year anniversary at the Craiglands Hotel in Ilkley. Yorkshire-based Virtual College was one of the pioneers in the online-learning arena and is enjoying a major surge in growth. » MORE

Video Plattform

University of Edinburgh Puts Video at the Heart of Learning

London (UK) / New York, NY (USA), November 2015 - Kaltura, a leading video-technology provider, has announced that the University of Edinburgh, which is consistently ranked in the top fifty universities worldwide, has selected the Kaltura video platform for a new Media Asset Management service. Edinburgh is currently piloting the centralized platform with plans to go live University wide by the start of the 2016 academic year. » MORE