
eLearning Solution

Created to Tackle Suicide Rates throughout Tri-Borough

Ikley (SCT), August 2016 - Virtual College has won the contract for the creation of a bespoke online-learning solution and has been working in collaboration with subject-matter experts Connecting With People to develop the eLearning content.


Learning Impact Awards

The UOC's Mobile Apps Ecosystem

UOCBarcelona (E), July 2016 - The Learning Impact Awards recognize the most outstanding and influential learning-technology applications from around the world. They were created in 2007 to showcase excellent technological applications that tackle the most important challenges in education on a worldwide scale. "Explica!, Assess and Submissions" make up the ecosystem of UOC mobile apps to support continuous assessment and are being piloted this semester by the Technology department.


University Experience

New Drugs Awareness Programme Helps Students

London (UK), June 2016 - Marshall E-Learning have been commissioned by Brunel University London to produce an online Alcohol and Drugs Awareness programme to be used by existing students and new students who are about to join the University. 


University of Exeter

Skills Dashboard for the UK

Devon (UK), June 2016 - IPPR have launched a new skills dashboard for the UK. This is free to use and should enable users to explore demand for particular mid-skill roles and the likely levels of competition and potential salary for these positions. 



Using e-Assessment to Enhance Student Learning

Barcelona (E), June 2016 - The ETHE journal is a publication with twelve years of history, published by the Open University of Catalonia (UOC) since the beginning. The University of the Andes (Colombia) has recently been incorporated as co-editor. During the first stage, the journal was consolidated under the name of RUSC, "Journal of University and Knowledge Society". Since 2016, the internationalization of the journal has been strengthened by becoming published by the prestigious Springer group, at which point the journal opted for a change of name.


UOC Experts’ Findings

Open-Source Projects Don’t Always Operate Democratically

Barcelona (E), May 2016 – (by Jordi Rovira) The purpose of the open-source software movement is to advocate open (the code is public), collaborative (the community participates in the development process) software development. However, neither this goal nor the theoretically democratic functioning that one would expect is always met.  This is the main conclusion reached by the SOM Research Lab at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya's (UOC) Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3).


NFL Career Advice

What You Know Matters More Than Who You Know

London (UK), May 2016 - Research from the UCL School of Management reveals that working for a high-profile manager can secure a promotion at another organisation, but being hired based on a connection might not lead to a successful career in the long run.


For Refugees

Kiron Open Higher Education Uses tt knowledge force

Heidelberg (GER), May 2016 - Refugees have a hard time getting access to higher education. They have to wait for their right of residence to be determined, and their documents often go missing during flight. Berlin’s Kiron Open Higher Education wants to provide a remedy to this situation and is enabling displaced people from around the world to pursue a course of study right through to a recognized degree qualification - free of cost. Participants complete online foundation courses over two years while learning German.