European project
The "LernHaus": Never Too Old to Learn!
Erlangen, December 2014 - The Institut für Lern-Innovation (FIM NeuesLernen) of the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg created a well-attended operation from an EU project that took place in the period 2004-2006: The LernHaus provides eLearning for seniors who want to gain familiarity with computers or seek further training. » MORE
EMMA - the Multilingual MOOC Platform
Brussels, December 2014 - Twelve universities and businesses in eight European countries are participating in an EU project called EMMA (European Multiple MOOC Aggregator). Supported by funds from the European Union's "Competitiveness and Innovation" Program, the EMMA project is described as a thirty-month pilot project that provides access to MOOCs "in various languages and is supported by automatic transcription". » MORE
Role Plays in Videoconferencing and Virtual Reality
Berlin (GER), November 2014 - Kurt Kohn is director of the Steinbeis Transfer Center (STC) Sprachlernmedien and professor emeritus of applied linguistics at the University of Tübingen. Since the early 1990s, he has been involved in European projects on technology-enhanced language learning and teaching. His more recent EU projects deal with intercultural telecollaboration and lingua franca pedagogy, interpreter training in virtual reality, and language-teacher education. His talk at ONLINE EDUCA will be part of the session "Creative Approaches to Language Learning" on 04 December 2014 from 16:30 to 17:30. » MORE
NIACE's Key Contribution to Adult Learning
Leicester (UK), October 2014 - A report presenting the UK's contribution to the European Agenda for Adult Learning (EAAL) 2012-2014 has been published by NIACE, which has recently had its role as UK Coordinator for EAAL extended for a further twelve months. NIACE is the only non-government body to be leading on this work in Europe. » MORE
First European Multilingual MOOCs Go Live
Naples (I), October 2014 - Now learners all over the world can sign up to take part in free Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) in a range of different subjects from Blended Learning to Business Organization, from Searching on the Internet to Climate Change. These MOOCs, lasting between six and eight weeks, are all offered by the new European Multiple MOOC Aggregator, called EMMA for short, which brings together leading university partners providing online, easy-to-access learning opportunities that are open to all learners. » MORE
PUMO Experience in the Baltic States and Greece
Riga (LT), October 2014 - A consortium of educationalists from six EU states has collaborated to produce a series of teacher-training courses enabling participants to offer much-needed educational support to pupils temporarily away from their home countries. Typically, such pupils need continuous help to develop their knowledge and understanding of the language and cultural background of their homelands.
MOOCs Are in High demand
Brussels (BE), June 2014 - The European Commission has published a new study on the supply and demand of MOOCs related to web skills. It shows that while MOOCs are widely recognized as a valuable learning opportunity, students struggle to find appropriate courses. » MORE
New Multilingual MOOC Platform for Europe
Barcelona (E), June 2014 - Twelve leading universities, among them Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC), and companies in eight European countries have announced the launch of the new EMMA project, which will provide access to MOOCs in different languages and that are supported by automatic transcription. » MORE
European Success for the UOC's First Spinoff Company
Barcelona (E), April 2014 - In its first few months, Open Evidence, the first spinoff company to emanate from the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC), has been commissioned to undertake major projects by prestigious organizations and institutions such as the European Commission, the government of Italy, and the Jaume Bofill Foundation. » MORE
Educational Open E-Tools on the EU
Barcelona (E), December 2013 - Learn Europe is a new educational platform that focuses on teaching students about the history, geography, and economics of the European Union. The website, created by the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (Open University of Catalonia, UOC) and the University of Lleida (UdL), offers a wealth of purpose-made educational resources and links to other sites available online. » MORE