Gothenburg Region Joins iTEC Project
Gothenburg (SE), July 2011 - The European Schoolnet's iTEC project has welcomed an important new Associate Partner, the Gothenburg Region Association of Local Authorities (GR). The new partnership aims to strengthen scenario building in Sweden, as iTEC develops and validates scenarios for the school-space of the future in over 1,000 classrooms across fifteen countries in Europe. » MORE
Lived Experience of Climate Change (LECH-e)
Milton Keynes (UK), July 2011 - The Lived Experience of Climate Change, an interdisciplinary project for the development of e-modules and virtual mobility (LECH-e) addresses education and lifelong learning in relation to climate change. Supported by the EU's Lifelong Learning Erasmus Programme, the project develops online curriculum materials and virtual learning communities. These resources will support Master's dissertations in the broad area of the lived experience of climate change. » MORE
ELearning for Vocational Teachers Across Europe
Coventry (UK), June 2011 - The purpose of iEducate - a project funded by the EU programme Leonardo da Vinci - is to educate vocational teachers in a range of eLearning methods, innovations, and technologies to better prepare them for a rapidly changing workplace and, hence, to connect them with a new generation of learners. » MORE
Launch of a New User-Oriented Platform
Brussels (BE), May 2011 -, the European reference portal on education and technology, has launched its new platform. It is designed and built to be user centered and contains participatory tools to communicate, share, and discuss. » MORE
Launch of V2.0 of Online Tool for Quality in eLearning
Brussels (BE), April 2011 - As a Key Activity 4 project supported by the European Commission Lifelong Learning Programme, SEVAQ+ is engaging in widespread dissemination and exploitation of a multilingual online tool for the self-evaluation of quality in technology-enhanced learning. By merging the Kirkpatrick evaluation framework with the EFQM quality model, SEVAQ+ has engineered a holistic tool and approach for the generation of customised evaluation questionnaires. » MORE
European Policy Cooperation Looks Ahead
Thessaloniki (GR)/Bruges (BE), January 2011 - At their informal meeting in Bruges in December, European Ministers of Education entrusted Cedefop with several tasks related to the next phase of policy cooperation. These include continued reporting on countries' progress in developing vocational education and training; help with the practical implementation of the common European tools and principles; continued commitment to analysing skill needs; and supporting the European Commission on issues such as adult education and work-based teaching and learning. » MORE
Virtual Training Gets Real
Leeds (UK), January 2011 - Computerized training systems are getting an extra dose of reality thanks to an EU-funded research project involving Leeds University as the coordinator. Researchers working on Immersive Reflective Experience-based Adaptive Learning (ImREAL) are hoping to plug the gap between the "real world" and the "virtual world" to create a simulated learning environment that responds to users' behavior and adapts accordingly. » MORE
Innovations for the Water Sector
Essen (GER)/Bucharest (RO), November 2010 - The third European Workshop "Innovations in the Water Sector: Competence Models, eLearning and Social Communities" took place at the end of September, 2010 in Bucharest. WACOM provides a short report for those who were not able to be there. » MORE
School in the Hospital and Domiciliary Learning
Milan (I), November 2010 - What happens if a child needs to be taken out of school due to long-term illness or an accident? In one complicated case, a young person even needed to live permanently - and receive his schooling - on a boat due to a specifically harsh case of allergies! How can children in such circumstances still be offered access to education? CHECK.point eLearning asked Matteo Uggeri from Milan, who is involved in the development of groundbreaking concepts to provide a centralized system of distance education for children in hospitals or home care in Italy. » MORE
Story-based mLearning in Developing and Threshold Countries
Vienna, November 2010 - Mobile phone technology is the most widespread communication technology worldwide. Today, GSM networks penetrate even most remote areas - and all levels of society. This makes them an ideal tool for the distribution of learning content with the widest possible outreach. » MORE