Letter from UK

Quantifying the almost unquantifiable

London (UK), December 2009 - (by Bob Little) A report on the UK eLearning sector in 2009 - 'The UK eLearning market 2009' - published this month by Learning Light, the Sheffield-based centre of excellence in the use of eLearning and learning technologies in the workplace, paints an optimistic picture: stating that the sector is 'flowering' despite the recession. The report's principal finding is that the UK eLearning industry remains 'robustly positive in its view of the market and the prospect for continuing growth'.

Using financial modeling and third party research, the report suggests that the annual size of the UK eLearning industry is currently between £300m and £450m; with growth rates forecast of between 6.7% and 8% for 2010.

The report also mentions that the UK eLearning market, along with the eLearning market in Scandinavia, is one of the most mature eLearning markets in Europe. One of the report's three authors - David Patterson - said: "We believe the Scandinavian market to be worth some €1bn - compared with the UK's €650m to €700m. The Scandinavian market is forecast to grow at eight per cent over the next year - a figure which could also be attributed to the UK market.

The next largest market in Europe is that of France - but this is predicted to grow in the next year by some 15% to between €300m to €350m. An aggregate of the UK, Scandinavian and French eLearning markets accounts for some 80% of the total European market."

"Our view of the UK eLearning market is based not just on more companies using eLearning and learning technologies but also on such factors as marketing departments commissioning learning materials to support customers," he commented.

"Another key factor is the adeptness with which the UK eLearning industry is adopting and exploiting new media for delivering learning, such as gaming and immersive learning scenarios, leading to the eventual contextualisation and personalisation of learning being promoted by companies such as the LCMS producer, Giunti Labs."

This report began as an update on a similar report from 2007 (available from Learning Light's eLearning Centre website, www.eLearningcentre.co.uk). Whatever you think about the accuracy - or otherwise - of Learning Light's figures, at the very least this report is a serious attempt at quantifying the UK's eLearning sector. It's the most comprehensive set of figures that anyone has - and their real value will be seen in the future, providing 'base figures' for comparison with contemporary findings.

For over 20 years, Bob Little has specialised in writing about, and commentating on, corporate learning - especially elearning - and technology-related subjects. His work has been published in the UK, Continental Europe, the USA and Australia.
You can contact Bob.