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Adobe Joins European Foundation for Quality in eLearning

London (UK), June 2010 - By joining the European Foundation for Quality in ELearning (EFQUEL), Adobe is providing their support to the academic, corporate, and government sectors to promote and support the production of high-quality eLearning content. One of the targets of the EFQUEL is to develop suitable standards to ensure the creation and the management of high-quality eLearning content that can be produced with Adobe's eLearning Suite.

"Immediately after the first meetings we had with Adobe, we saw great potential for fruitful collaboration. In particular, we have discussed the quality management of peer- produced content in vocational education and training", reports Claudio Dondi, president of EFQUEL. "Rapid eLearning tools such as Adobe Captivate and others are increasingly being used in corporations and universities with the objective to enable subject-matter experts to share their knowledge with colleagues easily."

Christie Fidura, European Marketing Manager of Adobe, believes that in the last few years, Adobe has successfully improved both the usability and compatibility of its eLearning-content-creation tools. "The Adobe tools, packed into a single suite, are easy to use and therefore, can be used by anyone to share skills and knowledge. Although we are enabling subject-matter experts to create content simply, we also need to ensure that we address the importance of developing high-quality content."

She adds, "Whilst many of the big corporations are already using a learning management system, there has yet to be an agreement on which standards should be used to produce high-quality eLearning content. Adobe will also be actively contributing to the improvements of both quality management mechanisms such as course- development processes and quality assurance of content. These will, in turn, play an important role in achieving a broader consensus on which quality standards should be considered as best practice."

"The eLearning tools are much better now than ten years ago", states Rolf Reinhardt, Executive Manager of EFQUEL, "and nowadays we can create media, like audio, graphics, and videos very easily. There is a trend that ICT in learning and teaching is becoming more mainstreamed. This is also true for knowledge management and skill development within corporations. But without a comprehensive eLearning strategy, policies, and quality guidelines, the full potential of ICT and eLearning cannot be reached."

EFQUEL's members represent the leading organisations in the field of quality in eLearning, such as European networks, universities, and research centers. In addition, EFQUEL serves as a bridge between Europe and other regions of the world, having partnerships with quality agencies in Africa, Latin America, and Asia. EFQUEL brings together leaders at the policy, academic, and corporate levels.