In the Cloud

BigGyan Sets out to Reboot Education

Chandigarh (IN), June 2010 - BigGyan is the first cloud eLearning platform in the world. Their commitment lies in making the transition to an online platform as easy as possible by providing a user-friendly, free, easy-to-use learning management system (LMS) and affordable and flexible services to help use it.

Cloud computing is about dissociating business applications from the underlying infrastructure. Cloud-computing customers do not generally own the physical infrastructure that serves as host to the software platform in question. Instead, they avoid capital expenditure by renting usage from a third-party provider.

BigGyan enables education institutes and enterprises to provide eLearning to their students and employees. Some of the features of this platform include multimedia course content, forums, video conference, mobile learning, online grade book, attendance, and a parent portal.

BigGyan seeks to revolutionize eLearning by making it as easy as email. With its motto "Education Sexed Up", BigGyan aims to significantly change the way education is delivered.