Learning Architecture

CBTL Launches Entire Portfolio in the UK

Coventry (UK)/Munich (GER), May 2010 - CBTL Ltd has announced the opening of its first office in the UK, located in Coventry, West Midlands. The new team of Mark Jones and Trevor Mosedale has many years of experience in the development and management of training and technology and will be initially providing development and project- management services.

"Many enterprises in the UK need direction when it comes to the introduction of blended learning and need to keep their business objectives in mind when formulating their strategic approach", comments the CBTL team.

As an established provider of high-quality blended-learning solutions to a global market, CBTL have a structured approach. This starts with a thorough understanding of the learning objectives and applies a rigorous learning media and teaching-method analysis before any learning content is decided upon.

"Unfortunately, there are many eLearning suppliers in the UK market who just offer their 'one-size-fits-all' solution, even when this is not the right answer."

Having decided upon the approach, interactive training courses can be quickly produced in multiple languages and in multiple formats using the EVOLUTION production platform.

"This combination of a professional approach to learning architecture development and the ability to quickly produce the finished product with CBTL's proven toolset will help to convince our prospective customers to use CBTL here in the UK", assures the CBTL team.