
Compliance Tool for iPhone and New Collaboration

London (UK), March 2010 - Saffron Interactive has announced that Assure, its innovative compliance tool, is now available for the iPhone. The company thus further continues its ongoing eLearning development collaboration with defence consultancy 3SDL.

Many organisations need to train their people in key compliance topics like data protection and competition law every year or two, but finding the time to do this can be difficult. Saffron has developed an innovative solution to allow users to find out quickly and easily whether or not they need to take the training.

Saffron Assure is a range of compliance assessments that can be accessed any time and anywhere. Each assessment is a standalone application that users can download directly to their IPhone. The solution is fully trackable, interactive, and convenient, and it maximises operational time by offering a bite-sized diagnostic assessment.

Hanif Sazen, CEO of Saffron Interactive, says, "We are seeing a great deal of demand for performance-support tools that run on mobile devices. Only a few days into the launch of Assure, we have already secured several customers".

Existing training clients of 3SDL have further become increasingly interested in online training solutions, and in 2009, 3SDL's Training Services team engaged Saffron Interactive as an eLearning development partner. Saffron and 3SDL have since developed a number of modules together to teach technical military-communications techniques.

Four modules were piloted at the annual International Data Links Symposium (IDLS) in Vienna, Austria, in December 2009. The pilot modules were very well received, and several nations, including Sweden and the UK, are investigating a possible roll-out of Saffron/3SDL eLearning solutions.