
LINE Delivers Marketing and Learning to Credit Suisse

Zurich (CH), June 2010 - LINE Communications is delivering a series of short, high-quality learning nuggets to the global workforce of Credit Suisse, one of the world's leading banks.

Credit Suisse already enjoys an excellent reputation as an organisation with a strong learning culture. They engaged LINE to help deliver a new form of eLearning to all parts of their organisation through a series of media-rich, highly interactive learning nuggets on a range of topics from eLearning etiquette to more complex financial topics.

Martin Raske, Global Head of eLearning Solutions at Credit Suisse, says, "We asked LINE to be involved in every part of this new venture, from initial planning through to development of the nuggets. We see them as a partner who understands both learning and business and one who knows how to create content that is exciting and effective."

In response, Ade Derbyshire-Moore, General Manager of the LINE Zurich office states, "We are delighted to be working on this project with Credit Suisse and proud that they trust us to work with them to explore new ways of learning and reaching out to their global workforce. These are exciting times for global organisations to revaluate how they help their people learn more quickly and more effectively."