Stress Reduction

MyKnowledgeMap Launches Web-Based Initiative

York (UK), March 2007 - According to Health & Safety Executive figures, some thirteen million working days for 560,000 people in the UK are lost to work-related stress, making "stress, anxiety and depression" the second-most-common cause of work-related illness. A web-based initiative to help reduce stress in the workplace has been introduced by MyKnowledgeMap (MKM).

Accessible from a PC or company intranet, MKM's "It Can Happen To Anyone" personal stress management and wellbeing eLearning course is a self-help toolkit for individuals and organisations to help reduce stress, improve health and well being, and improve both personal and organisational performance. Multiple-use discounts are provided for "It Can Happen To Anyone", which is also available for installation on organisation intranets using an MKM-supplied learning environment or its user's learning management system.

Written by stress specialist Dr Rosemary Anderson, the course helps users understand, identify, and learn to reduce stress; find out how to adopt a healthier lifestyle and improve personal well-being; and discover tips and techniques to feel more confident and achieve their potential.

The easy-to-use, content-rich course provides a wide range of eLearning topics, including in-depth analyses, helpful tips and suggestions, and interactive activities, including questionnaires and a quiz, creating a personalised, printable action plan for each user, together with certification of completion.

The course comprises two modules - "Understanding Stress and Well-being" and "Helping Yourself". It includes a basic course that can be completed in about two hours and an in-depth version, featuring research and anecdotal data for users with a greater interest in health and wellbeing.