New Face

Pebble Learning Team Beefed up by Zoo Keeper

Telford (UK), January 2010 - Pebble Learning, producer of the online Personal Learning System PebblePad, has appointed a new ePortfolio Consultant. Matthew Wheeler formerly worked at the internationally renowned research department, Beyond Distance Research Alliance, led by Professor Gilly Salmon at the University of Leicester. Colin Dalziel, Director of Pebble Learning, comments, "We're delighted that Matthew has chosen to join Pebble Learning."

His experience will bring an additional perspective and understanding of the way that technologies can improve teaching and learning within organisations through his research and experience with tools such as podcasting, immersive virtual worlds such as Second Life, and learning design."

In the latest release of the PebblePad online Personal Learning System, users can draw upon items they create using common online tools such as Twitter, Blogger, and any other RSS or ATOM-enabled system. This means that a wide range of items from documents to web pages or video links can now be imported straight into PebblePad and then used as a personal resource to support development or for incorporation into a presentational portfolio.

PebblePad is used for personal development planning, continuing professional development, learning, teaching, and assessment in schools, colleges, universities, professional organisations, and local government.

During his three years as the "Keeper of the Media Zoo", a Senior Learning Technologist role with responsibility for informing institutional policy, Matthew was involved in over fifteen externally funded research projects with an income of over £1 million.

Working in various higher education institutions throughout the UK for the last decade, Matthew's knowledge and skills have been put to good use on a consultancy basis across the world - from large companies like Toshiba to the Royal Air Force.

Matthew's interest in learning technologies started whilst studying Education at Sheffield Hallam University, where he was introduced to early versions of Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs) and web-conferencing technologies. The desire to better understand the pedagogic underpinnings of learning technologies led Matthew to his first position at Sheffield Hallam University.

Subsequently, he held positions at Nottingham Trent University, where he was involved in developing an in-house customised VLE, and at the University of Derby, where his team was responsible for marketing, recruiting, and supporting distance eLearning students. He also held project management roles in the implementation of the institutional VLE and student records system.

Outside work, Matthew competed internationally in athletics before injury put paid to his dream of representing his nation at the Olympics. He now enjoys mentoring and supporting some of the UK's top junior athletes. Matthew has also been a volunteer at Study Support Centres, notably one at Sheffield United Football Club, and he has recently completed his term as an elected School Governor for a large inner-city primary school.