Exclusive Supplier

Stone Group Awarded £13 Million Contract

Nottingham (UK), April 2010 - The technology-solutions provider to the education and public sector Stone Group has announced its successful bid to supply ICT hardware and maintenance services to The University of Nottingham (UoN) in a four- year deal worth in excess of £13 million.

Stone Group has been awarded exclusive supplier status by UoN to supply desktop computers, laptops, and a computer equipment maintenance scheme. The new four- year agreement, which starts on 01 April 2010, will also include secure data erasure and recycling of displaced equipment free of charge.

James Bird, CEO, Stone Group, comments, "Following the recent announcement of our successful bid to supply hardware to Leeds University, we are delighted to add another leading institution to our higher-education client roster. We believe that it is our 'cradle-to-grave' philosophy that set us apart from other leading contenders - a complete service, from unit manufacture, through to support and maintenance, and finally to data erasure, recycling, and reuse. Indeed, we are the only UK manufacturer to have its own recycling facility."

UoN is a modern, research-led university with over 39,000 students spread across its three UK and two international campus sites. In addition to being placed in the UK top ten, UoN currently ranks in the European top thirty and in the top one percent of universities worldwide. In line with UoN's objective to place sustainability at the centre of procurement, IT suppliers were selected on their ability to assist in reducing the impact the institution has on the environment.

The Agreement will also deliver improved levels of service and quality to end users, integration with the University's e-procurement system, and safe disposal of equipment in accordance with the WEEE Directive.

"Stone was selected against these criteria because of the innovative and proactive approach shown during their response to this tender. Not only did they offer us significant cost savings, but that these savings were aligned with a high quality through life service, including the way in which they have embraced the new WEEE environmental regulations for mutual benefit, is leading edge," says Graham Ward, Commercial Director at the University.