Rapid eLearning

Build Your Own Learning Resources with ARED

Brisbane (AU), July 2009 - A new version of the ARED (Application for Rapid eLearning Development) resource development tool has been released, helping practitioners, even those with little more than basic computer skills, to easily build their own eLearning resources.

With ARED version 2.1, practitioners no longer need to learn complicated multimedia skills to build learning resources. By adding their own content to one of ARED's six eLearning templates, users can develop engaging eLearning resources for delivery via CD-ROM, website, or learning management system.

In addition to creating learning materials, the resource enables eLearning content to be packaged so that its structure and navigation can be interpreted and applied across a range of learning management systems.

ARED can be used to create SCORM v.1.2-compliant content packages that meet the standards required for contribution to the online portal LORN, as well as meeting Flexible Learning Toolbox standards.

Through the updated ARED resource, users can now:

  • produce files that meet the 2009 E-standards for Training developed by the national training system's eLearning strategy, the Australian Flexible Learning Framework (Framework)
  • create valid SCORM content packages
  • access new help material and instructions for developing their learning resource
  • create and modify valid metadata files using the integrated Vetadata Tool.

Practitioners currently using ARED should uninstall their old version and download the new one. Full details of the technical changes to ARED are available, and existing ARED users are advised to refer to some of the information before making major modifications to their systems.

These resources were developed and updated by the Australian Flexible Learning Framework (Framework), the vocational education and training (VET) sector's national eLearning strategy.