Serious Games

CrossKnowledge Launches Third Generation

London (UK), July 2010 - CrossKnowledge argues that learning is at its best when linked to having fun. In this vein, they have announced the launching of unique third-generation serious games from September 2010 onwards.

Various research projects have confirmed the transfer potential of gaming: Byron Reeves, professor of communications at Stanford University, and Thomas Malone, professor at MIT and author of "Future of Work", have demonstrated that both older games such as World of Warcraft, as well as contemporary ones like Heavy Rain can effectively hone leadership skills in the work environment.

CrossKnowledge's new serious game offers:

  • a mission reflecting that of popular online games
  • an interaction base of 360° freedom
  • real-time game scenarios with unique variables interacting simultaneously
  • decisive integration of the game itself with participant's real-life networks and outer game codes
  • thirty times more efficiency compared to other similar company games on the market.

The third-generation game developed by CrossKnowledge, surpasses previous generations in its ability to improve learner behavior and transversal skills. Such implementation is one of the most promising aspects of the game. Traditional training practices have begun to fall short of the increasing needs of businesses in this area and fail to captivate younger generations entering the professional world.