Staff Training

XOR Delivers Safeguarding Children Course

London (UK), February 2010 - XOR LTD has developed a Safeguarding Children Course for David Lloyd Leisure (DLL). The program helps ensure that children and vulnerable people are protected while with company team members and volunteers.

The course was developed as an introduction to the issues related to safeguarding children and is now a key part of mandatory training for all relevant staff. Unlike other child protection courses available, which deliver generic training, this course delivers specific training in the context of DLL clubs and highlights the safeguarding children issues particular to health clubs in a way that generic child protection courses do not.

Once members of staff complete the course, they then take an online test that they have to pass with a score of 100% in order to complete the training successfully.

The safeguarding children learning content is delivered through nine modules (including an assessment) comprised of a combination of written and visual media. As the learner progresses, learning points are checked by means of interactive questions and case studies designed to promote further thought and consideration.

From initial planning to final delivery of the live course, the development spanned eight months, over which the course was scripted by XOR instructional designers based on materials provided by DLL. During the process, Kidology Consulting was brought in to provide subject-matter expertise and to advise on best practice and legal issues.

XOR has now undertaken this project, as well as the development of a child-protection training programme based on the DLL course that is to be accredited as a safeguarding children qualification for individuals and organisations in the health-and-fitness field.

DLL is to be an early adopter of this version of the training, and the qualification will supply a demand for a formal qualification in safeguarding children from independent sports and health professionals to large health-club chains.

George Master, Risk Manager at David Lloyd Leisure says, "Children are naturally one of the key risks, and opportunities, that we have in our business. Ensuring that appropriate and effective training on safeguarding children is available to our team members is, therefore, absolutely essential. Additionally, it is vital that each Senior Manager holding the remit of Child Protection Officer be given practical guidance on the correct procedures to follow if or when required."