Tough Challenges

Rapid Courseware Development and reviews with RapideL

Jersey City, NJ (USA), January - RapideL, the rapid eLearning content-authoring solution has overcome some crucial challenges in courseware development and project management. It has been felt by the content development community that there is a pressing need for efficient project management.

Also, cyclic review processes are time consuming, wherein effective tracking and issue resolutions are the toughest challenges. This has been a major hindrance in courseware development projects where the time-to-market for eLearning is short.

RapideL has been enabled with a powerful review mechanism that helps in managing such project-management challenges effortlessly.

The user-friendly and familiar MS Word® interface allows SMEs and IDs to author their eLearning storyboards. The instructionally sound templates provided allow these storyboards to evolve into engaging Flash eLearning courses at the click of a button. The review mechanism allows the reviewer to post issues on the published course, assign issues to respective stakeholders, and track and manage these issues.

Hence, project managers and SMEs can monitor, track, and provide feedback on courses at the screen level down to the asset level. RapideL ensures complete control over the development quality, facilitates SME communication with development team, aids analysis and tracking of issues, saves communication time, and helps to deliver in time with the desired quality.

"Our experience in creating over 15,000 hours of eLearning has helped us identify some very grave challenges in eLearning development, and we made every effort to overcome these challenges. RapideL has been enabled with an extremely powerful mechanism for review and project management. Our internal study shows that RapideL cuts iteration cycles by nearly 70%, saves over 50-60% development time, and cuts SME review time by over 40%, thereby providing a truly "rapid" development mechanism with an extremely high return on investment", says Regy Pillai, Product Manager, RapideL.