Enjoyable Practice

Elearning exactly as you wish

Kraków (PL), January 2007 - What are the profits we can gain from eLearning? This kind of question has certainly been asked many times. If you use a text, a sound, some pictures, and interactions it will definitely help you in achieving the main aim. Elearning can reach a user in many ways, and what's more, you have the possibility to get involved quickly.

Kraków (PL), January 2007 - What are the profits we can gain from eLearning? This kind of question has certainly been asked many times. If you use a text, a sound, some pictures, and interactions it will definitely help you in achieving the main aim. Elearning can reach a user in many ways, and what's more, you have the possibility to get involved quickly.

In this way, all of a teacher's dreams can easily be fulfilled. Nonetheless, there are lots of opponents who treat media as an additional force to prove that eLearning is the way to hide "a lack of competences" owing to its sophisticated setting. Some of the criticisms can certainly be taken into consideration as far as they do not refer to the most up-to-date versions of eLearning trainings. This will only be done, though, by those who create such trainings without having eLearning's full power in mind.

Custom content trainings are today not only the most comprehensive but also the most efficient way of using eLearning technology. The pleasure felt by all while learning is achieved due to the work of a whole group of specialists who distinguish themselves owing to their professionalism: every graphic, feature, or sound element has to be compatible with the essential content. A teacher has to be a playwright at the same time, because he is the one who creates characters together with their dialogues: his task is to join "strict" information with dynamically developing content.

A graphic artist is responsible for creating the visual side of an already-created world, and he is the one who is mostly responsible for the training's attractiveness. Sound effects people take care to choose the best sound possible and programmers put everything together. All of them have to understand each other perfectly; otherwise a project will be a disaster.

The result of the whole team's work is a masterpiece. In practice, it won't fulfil only didactic tasks, but it will also be great fun as well. It will also be a great example of how knowledge can be mastered in a very unconventional and interesting way.

There is an example of a very interesting eLearning training entitled "Money laundry", which is not only a training but also a story about a cliquish Italian family.

Its bosses, lawyers, and soldiers meet in a mansion situated near a beautiful beach in order to discuss the way to "launder money". A person who takes part in this training learns together with them, getting to know the way the criminals think and act. Suddenly, a participant gets a task. He is about to denounce a cliquish group. Everything depends on his decision. He is the one who decides if they go to prison. Isn't it easier if you "lose" your time taking part in an interesting movie?

If one of the clients is a pharmaceutical company, we have the possibility to look for characters who will be closely connected with the topic of the training.

Mr "Bone" and a nice skeleton are specialists connected with all bone illnesses. An additional trump will be using a skeleton as a scientific help. Appropriately chosen materials help learners remember all difficult details.

If a medicine we want to talk about is an antibiotic, we can move inside our body. There you can observe a fight between viruses and different sorts of medicine. Honestly speaking, the latter are perfectly commanded; the former are very clever.

Expert knowledge will be gained through looking at a family album of microbes and listening to stories of an old microbe. He will definitely accompany young bacteria as well as antibiotics that are preparing to defend the body.

Contents used to create eLearning trainings give a great opportunity to support a learning process, and moreover, these are also custom-content trainings, which means they fulfil the client's needs exactly. They decide about the content, the way the graphics are prepared, and the atmosphere of a new world. We also have several background templates, like the overall look of a bank or an office.

Thanks to the choice the clients have as far as the content and the control connected with certain parts of the training is concerned, they can easily prepare any image they want.