Sales Specialist

Mike Ramsay Appointed at Rhema Group

Rochester (UK), March 2007 - Rhema Group has appointed Mike Ramsay as their Sales Training Specialist in the area of using leasing products to increase sales for vendors and their value added resellers (VARs).

Financing solutions are increasingly used by Original-Equipment Manufacturers and their channels-to-market to make it easier for end-user customers to spread the cost of purchasing of equipment and to facilitate the upgrading of equipment in the future. Vendors and their distributors have not always found it easy to train their sales staff to use a rentals solution effectively in the sales process.

Rhema Group's MD, Jeremy Francis, commented: "Mike Ramsay's Selling with Rentals® training programme revolutionises the approach to using leasing products in the sales process. By changing the attitudes and mindsets of front line sales people, and equipping them with the knowledge, processes, and skills they need to sell effectively, Mike has achieved quite astonishing results. We are delighted to welcome him as our Sales Training Specialist in this area".

Mike Ramsay added - "Rhema Group is a high-quality global provider of sales training to the financial sector, particularly in the vendor leasing area. I am looking forward to working with them to create unique sales training programmes that will increase sales for the vendor and penetration for the leasing provider".