Essential Techniques

Ensuring Quality of Tests and Exams

Norwalk, CT (USA), November 2009 - Questionmark has announced the publication of a new white paper titled "Item Analysis Analytics", written by Analytics and Psychometric Manager Greg Pope.

The document helps assessment administrators address important questions as they evaluate the quality of their items:

  • Are the questions composing an assessment that is appropriate and defensible?
  • Should a problematic question be revised or be deemed unfixable?
  • What should I look for in an item-analysis report?
  • Which measure should I focus on: outcome discrimination or outcome correlation?
  • How can I determine if a question makes the grade?

The writing is based on a popular series of posts about Item Analysis Analytics from the Questionmark blog. It provides instruction on the principles of item analysis and ways to apply them using the Questionmark Perception assessment-management system.

It pinpoints specific issues to look for in running item-analysis reports and helps to demystify the process of analyzing and interpreting item-level psychometrics.