Research Report

Authoring Collaboratively on the Web

Sunnyvale, CA (USA), November 2009 - Brandon Hall has announced the publication of its research report "20+ Web-Based Collaborative Authoring Tools". Web-based collaborative authoring tools allow creators and approvers of eLearning content to work "in the cloud."

And wouldn't it be nice not to have to worry about having desktop software installed and updated on each user's workstation?

Web-based collaborative eLearning tools solve those problems by providing a way for multiple people to work on the same eLearning project regardless of location and without the hassle of software setup and upgrades.

"Cloud computing, an emerging computer model for delivering IT-related capabilities as a service, not only delivers economies of scale, but enables greater flexibility in sourcing and adapting to change", says IBM's cloud computing group. "This is the ideal environment for an education or learning setting, as users can gain immediate access to the most current tools, applications, and services. For example, there is no need to wait for the latest version of an application, as it can be accessed via the cloud."