Soaring Numbers

Edvantage group Passes One Million Course Completions

Oslo (NO), December 2009 - Edvantage group, an eLearning company and managed learning-service provider, has announced that their SaaS (Software-as-a-Service)-based learning management system, Learning Gateway, has passed one million annual course completions in 2009. "It is a milestone for Edvantage group that we have passed one million course completions for our clients using our SaaS-based Learning Gateway", says Jon Øivind Stenerud, Edvantage's Chief Technology Officer.

"This makes us the number one provider in the Nordic region and also one of the leading providers in Europe. I am confident we will more than double that next year based on the current rate of growth."

Statistics for Learning Gateway in 2009:

  • 30% increase of new customers in 2009, bringing total customers using Learning Gateway to 150
  • Approximately 2.8 million courses launched to date in 2009, a growth of 60% from 2008 figures
  • 15,000 courses uploaded to Learning Gateway by Edvantage group and its customers
  • 2,500 classroom sessions, currently growing at a staggering 50% a month
  • 99.98% uptime since 2000

"Learning Gateway leverages the power of cloud computing in the learning space. When you need to roll out business-critical training to tens of thousands of employees in a short period of time, the last thing you want to worry about is the technology. Unlike a traditional locally installed or hosted solution, the power and scalability is there for clients as and when they need it", comments Jon Øivind Stenerud.

Learning Gateway's true SaaS architecture - Level 4 on the maturity scale (scalable, configurable, multi-tenant-efficient) - consists of a multi-tiered, load-balanced set up that ensures close to infinite scalability and extremely high reliability.

"We are proud of the improvements and new features we have launched this year and believe they are part of the reason we are seeing an increasing number of new customers, as well as a steadily growing use within our existing customer base. There are many more exciting improvements to come, and we're looking forward to making one of the best SaaS-based learning platforms out there even better", concludes Tore Eggen.