Learning Practioners

New Branding and Qualification for UK

Newcastle Emlyn (UK), January 2010 - The Learning Practitioners' Association (LPA), has launched new branding to identify the Association as a distinct and unique body within the learning and development sector. It has also announced a new qualification, a BTEC level 5 Professional Certificate in Learning Practice Management.

The Learning Practitioners' Association Ltd, now incorporates the TrainerBase learning industry marketplace. The organisation is establishing a family of logos for the Learning Practitioners' Association (LPA) itself and the TrainerBase (TB) marketplace, as well as a for its learning practitioner accreditations and qualifications. These include the Certified Learning Practitioner (CLP) accreditation and a new Certificate in Learning Practice Management (CertLPM) qualification.

Peter Mayes, Chief Executive of The Learning Practitioners' Association says, "Our research into how training is being purchased has shown that trainers now need to possess a wider spectrum of skills, particularly increased levels of commercial acumen. Training organisations have indicated to us that commercial acumen is now one of the top three skills that they look for when recruiting and developing their trainers".

The new BTEC level 5 Professional Certificate in Learning Practice Management has been introduced to address this. It is accredited through Edexcel and designed to help learning and development practitioners to improve personal, training, and business skills, and to achieve professional recognition.

The qualification is based on the Association's 'Standard for Learning Practitioners' and includes personal, operational, and commercial skills units in a 200-hour learning programme. The qualification is intended for both experienced and inexperienced L&D professionals.

It is delivered by accredited Certified Learning Practitioners with The Learning Practitioners' Association and is available from January 2010. For further information, dates, and locations for open programmes, or for information about organising an internal programme, please contact The Learning Practitioners' Association.