Learning in Europe

ELIG and MENON Strengthen Their Collaboration

Paris (FR), March 2010 - The European Learning Industry Group (ELIG), and the MENON Network (MENON) have announced the signing of a Document of Understanding enabling them to work closely together to foster innovation of European Education and Training (E&T).

Both ELIG and MENON are active in enhancing innovation processes in European E&T and in promoting a meaningful use of ICT for learning in Europe through research and support activities to all relevant stakeholders.

Dr Nikitas Kastis, MENON President, and Dr Richard Straub, ELIG Secretary General, agree that this strengthened cooperation represents an important step in terms of rationalization and of better articulation of stakeholders' involvement in European policy and research in the field of learning. Specifically, the ELIGMENON cooperation can facilitate the emergence of relevant public-private partnerships among actors active in the field of innovation in learning in Europe.

The European Learning Industry Group (ELIG) is an open industry group that explores, researches, and promotes 'innovation in learning' throughout the EU. It offers thought leadership in this field, a communication channel to the learning market, and a network within which its members collaborate rather than compete.

MENON is a European innovation and research network that has been working the last ten years to provide information, evaluation, consultancy, and development support to policy makers, industry, and society at large on issues related to learning and how learning is linked to organizational and social development in Europe and worldwide.